Recruiting and retaining young people, the backbone of hospitality.

In today’s rapidly evolving social landscape, recruiting and retaining young talent requires more than just offering competitive salaries and benefits. With movements like #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, and an increased focus on mental health, young people are seeking employers who prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and well-being. Here are some top techniques to successfully recruit and retain young people in the age of social consciousness.

  1. Prioritise Diversity and Inclusion: Young people are drawn to organizations that value diversity and foster an inclusive environment. Ensure that your recruitment efforts are inclusive and reach a diverse pool of candidates. Once hired, create opportunities for underrepresented voices to be heard and actively work to dismantle barriers to inclusion within your organization.
  2. Promote Mental Health and Well-being: Mental health awareness has become a prominent issue, particularly among young people. Offer resources and support for mental health and well-being, such as employee assistance programs, flexible work arrangements, and mental health days. Create a culture where open conversations about mental health are encouraged and stigma is reduced.
  3. Address Social Justice Issues: In today’s socially conscious climate, young people are looking for employers who take a stand on important issues like racial justice, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights. Demonstrate your commitment to social justice through your company’s policies, practices, and community engagement initiatives. Show that you are actively working to create a more equitable and just society both within and outside of your organization.
  4. Provide Professional Development Opportunities: Young people are eager to learn and grow in their careers. Offer opportunities for professional development, such as mentorship programs, skills training, and career advancement pathways. Invest in your employees’ growth and development, and they’ll be more likely to stay with your organization for the long term.
  5. Create a Positive Work Environment: A positive work environment is crucial for attracting and retaining young talent. Foster a culture of respect, collaboration, and appreciation. Recognize and celebrate achievements, and provide regular feedback and recognition to your employees. A supportive and inclusive workplace culture will help young people feel valued and engaged.
  6. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements: Work-life balance is a top priority for many young professionals. Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, flexible hours, and unlimited vacation policies. Trust your employees to manage their time effectively and prioritize their well-being, and you’ll see increased loyalty and productivity in return.
  7. Listen and Respond to Feedback: Finally, listen to the feedback of your young employees and take action to address their concerns. Create channels for open communication and feedback, and demonstrate that you value their input. By actively listening and responding to their needs, you’ll show that you are committed to creating a workplace where all employees can thrive.

In conclusion, successfully recruiting and retaining young people in today’s social climate requires a proactive approach that prioritizes diversity, inclusivity, well-being, and social justice. By implementing these top techniques, you’ll not only attract top talent but also create a workplace where young professionals feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed.

Top tips for building your brand in a competitive market

In the bustling world of restaurant and hospitality, establishing a standout brand is essential for success. With fierce competition around every corner, it’s crucial to implement effective strategies to set your establishment apart. Here are some top tips to guide you in building your brand in a highly competitive market.

Firstly, define your unique value proposition. What sets your restaurant apart from the rest? Whether it’s your innovative menu, exceptional customer service, or inviting ambiance, identifying what makes your brand special will help you create a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience.

Next, leverage the power of social media. In today’s digital age, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter offer invaluable opportunities to connect with customers and showcase your brand’s personality. Share mouthwatering photos of your dishes, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your kitchen, and engaging content that sparks conversation and builds community.

Additionally, prioritize customer experience. From the moment guests walk through your doors to the final bite of their meal, every interaction should be memorable and delightful. Train your staff to deliver exceptional service, actively seek feedback from guests, and continuously strive to exceed expectations.

Consistency is key in building brand trust and loyalty. Maintain high standards across all aspects of your restaurant, from food quality to cleanliness to atmosphere. By delivering a consistent experience time and time again, you’ll earn the trust and loyalty of your customers, turning them into enthusiastic brand ambassadors.

Finally, stay true to your brand identity. As you grow and evolve, it’s important to stay authentic and aligned with your core values. Whether you’re launching new menu items, expanding to new locations, or partnering with other businesses, always ensure that your brand’s identity shines through in everything you do.

By following these top tips, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the competitive landscape of the restaurant and hospitality industry and build a brand that resonates with customers and stands the test of time.

Culinary Trends Shaping the Restaurant Industry in 2024

The Emergence of ‘Ube’

Every year, the culinary world eagerly anticipates the emergence of new flavour trends that make their way into the food and beverage industry. The T. Hasegawa group, a research organization that is a renowned global leader for developing custom flavors and fragrance creations, has established an exciting new discovery. In 2024, they announced that ‘Ube’ is predicted to be ‘flavour of the year’. This vibrant and unique purple yam, native to Southeast Asia, has been making waves in the culinary world.

Pronounced “oo-beh”, this root vegetable is scientifically known as Dioscorea alata. It originates from the Philippines but but has gained international recognition for its exquisite purple hue and unique flavour. The rich violet or lavender colour of ube is entirely natural and contributes its attractiveness as a culinary ingredient and flavoring agent. The flavour profile of Ube presents a distinctive blend of flavors, characterized by nuttiness, sweetness, and a subtle earthiness. The subtle earthy and nutty notes of ube contribute to a balanced flavor profile that is both comforting and intriguing.
Additionally, Ube is proven to be nutrient rich, containing good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, and essential nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants that promote overall well-being.
If you are a restauranter or a culinary enthusiast, the following include unique benefits of ways to apply Ube in your dishes. One of the key reasons for the surge in ube’s popularity is its versatility in the kitchen. Ube can be used in a multitude of ways during food and beverage preparations.


Ube can be transformed into a velvety and creamy ube ice cream, ube halaya (a sweet purple yam jam), ube cake, and even ube doughnuts. Its natural sweetness and captivating purple color make it a standout ingredient for creating visually stunning and delicious treats.


Ube’s popularity has extended to the beverage industry, where you can find ube lattes, ube milkshakes, and ube bubble tea. The addition of ube to beverages not only adds a unique purple hue but also infuses a distinct flavor that is hard to resist.

Savoury Dishes

Ube can be incorporated into recipes for purple mashed potatoes, ube gnocchi, and ube-flavored sauces, adding an unexpected twist to traditional dishes.

The Rise of Japanese Bakeries

Historically, there is a unique backstory behind the rise of Japanese bakeries. It is a market that has changed shape over the course of time to become a staple of the Japanese diet. Pan, or bread, in Japan is not at all part of the cultural heritage, yet today the trend is beginning to dominate the Western world. Initially, bread was first brought to Japan by Portuguese traders and missionaries in the mid-16th century, and was quickly embraced by the Japanese people. During the Meiji era (1868-1912), Japan became open to western influences, and as a result, Japan’s bakery shops started baking bread for the foreigners who chose to settle in Japan. From that point onward, bread became more commonplace along with Japan’s rapid industrialisation during this same period. Then, in 1874, a bakery called Kimuraya invented ‘anpan’, a round, sweet variant of bread bun stuffed with red bean paste, known as ‘anko’.
Anko was a common ingredient used in Japanese-style sweets, including it made the transition simpler and gave Kimura’s bakery, Kimuraya Sohonten, notoriety. It still exists today. Anpan was such a success that it was even presented to the Emperor himself, and a boom in bread-based confections followed soon after. This cultural mix of wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) and western style bread was a resounding success, particularly in Tokyo.

Today, Japanese baked goods offer an array of unconventional fillings and seasonal flavors, including sweetened red beans, corn, black sesame seeds, edamame (soy beans), chestnuts, sweet potato, kabocha pumpkin, and Japanese Nashi Pears.
Amongst the most trending baked goods in Japan, Include: the Japanese Cheesecake, roll cake, Japanese Baumkuchen, Imagawayaki, Taiyaki, Dorayaki and Monaka (crispy mochi wafers with a sweet filling). This can be worth investigating for any aspiring restauranter or entrepreneur looking to diversify their café offering.


Backlinks: are you exposed enough?

Backlinks: are you exposed enough?

Okay, we know what we did there. This has nothing to do with your privacy. Or maybe it does. No, we were just joking again. We want this article to provide a quick guide on how to improve your business’s digital presence through *crescendo sound of drum beats* backlinks.


This incredible way to boost your awareness on Google is as useful as forgotten.

Backlinks are links on a website that take you to another website. Yes, as simple as it sounds, they have been present since the beginning of the Internet as we know it nowadays.

So, if this is that simple and has been with us all this time, how is it so neglected? Why aren’t many businesses and brands making it a priority for their SEO strategy?

Well, if we want to know the answer to these questions, we will have to clarify what is Google’s position on this and how they want them to be used.


Suppose we had to mention just one aspect that will undoubtedly boost the quality of the backlinks redirecting to your website. In that case, authority is the word that could answer all those questions previously stated.

good backlink

As we all know, what makes your website rank on Google’s search engine better than other websites, is the quality of your site. In other words, Google gives it authority after considering the value it provides to its audience.

That being said, the authority the website hosting that link holds influences the relevance of the backlink. Therefore, the real challenge for new brands is to get quality backlinks.

But don’t discourage yourself since even the highest-ranked website was a newborn brand that started from zero some while ago.

lost meme

Here we will share with you three ways of getting backlinks for new brands:

1.Content has been and always will be king → First things first, you need to provide your audience and future visitors with some value. Start writing posts and articles on your website, content that must be of great value for your current audience and future visitors.

Once your website is valuable enough, you can start sharing your content on your socials or even with other content creators in your field. Knowing that your content is beneficial and trustworthy, your website will begin to be mentioned by other websites or content creators. Soon you will be counting your first backlinks from sources of great authority.

2.Guest posts → Creating content is not an easy task, not to mention keeping consistency over time. Believe it or not, content creators struggle with consistency and lack of ideas.

How can you help them and get some high-quality backlinks in return? Simply by reaching out to them and lending your hand. Offer to write or create some content for them to help them remain consistent and relevant. As a consequence, at the end of every post or article, they will provide their audience with a link taking them directly to your website. That’s what we call a win-win.

Make sure the web you are providing content to is in your niche or field; that way, you will ensure that Google will consider that link as a high-quality one.

3. Influencer outreach → This should not be a way of getting backlinks on its own, just a complementary tool to boost your number of backlinks knowing that you are already providing value through your content.

Once your content and posting are solidified and consistent, you can reach out to some influencers in your field for collaboration. The aim should still be to enrich your audience and genuinely interact with them through content of great value.

If what you have to offer is good enough, you will get those collaborations. And together with them, some high-quality backlinks from websites or socials of paramount authority will expose you enough.

You’re on the right track!


Kajola is dedicated to creating solutions for international hospitality and food start-ups. We’re devoted to making the hospitality and food scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for food lovers and experience seekers everywhere.

Let us make you world class


What’s the deal with keywords? A brief ‘ABC’ for scaling up your marketing strategy

What’s the deal with keywords? A brief ‘ABC’ for scaling up your marketing strategy


Scaling up your business is an effort, especially marketing wise. The better you position yourself, the higher the chances in front of the competitors. Online, we’re talking about SEO, keywords and web performance metrics. These elements translate into a well integrated digital marketing strategy.

Surely, you have heard about the importance of keywords or at least the notion of ‘keywords’ once. You know that they are essential to work well with the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of your website or your blog content, but you do not quite understand why…

This article will explain what keywords are and why they are essential for your marketing strategy. In addition, we will explain step by step how to choose the best keywords for your plan and what tools you may need.

Shall we start?

To begin with, we are going to define what keywords are. The keywords or simply keywords refer to the terms (composed of one or more words) that Internet users use to search in the digital world in general. For example, ‘inbound marketing’ and ‘small business digital marketing’ are possible word combinations users might type in their browser’s search box.

Why do we need keywords?

And as you may have already guessed, doing good keyword research is essential for many reasons:

  • Keywords are the primary way for users to find our blog or web page since, today, there are very few who write the URL directly in the browser. Therefore, they are the first step to guarantee the visibility of our brand online.
  • A good selection makes it possible for our website to appear higher in the search engine results and, therefore, attract traffic that is much more organic.
  • Keep in mind that the first three results of Google monopolize the majority of visits, and that very few users go beyond the first page of results.
search keyword

Keywords are also extremely helpful in defining the main content and its structure and the different posts published.

You have already seen that keywords are essential pieces in the complex gear of positioning (SEO). Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select the ones you will use on your website or blog and in its different posts.

The selection is a complex process in which the analysis is mixed with a web page and its ideal audience (buyer persona) and the competition.

One step at a time.

The search process can be divided into the following phases:

1. Analysis of the website or blog

This analysis must be complete and broad since you have to consider the topics you want to deal with and the possibilities of your page and its situation compared to the competition.

2. Define your buyer persona

Once you are clear about the position of your website against the competition, you can move on to the next phase, which consists of the exhaustive definition of your ideal audience or buyer persona, their needs and how they perform searches to solve them and obtain information.

3. Choose the keywords to position

You have to find a balance between the searches generated by these words and your competition.

4. Identify long-tail keywords

You have to find a balance between the searches generated by these words and your competition. (e.g.instead of using ‘food’, use ‘healthy food in Amsterdam’)

5. Algorithm changes and how it affects keywords

It would be best to keep in mind that numerous algorithm changes in Google reaffirm the positioning of keywords.

And you? Have you already started with your keywords or keywords strategy? What are the results telling you? 

Kajola is dedicated to creating solutions for international hospitality and food start-ups. We’re devoted to making the hospitality and food scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for food lovers and experience seekers everywhere.

Let us make you world class

world innovation

The future of your company vs the future of the world: embrace innovation

The future of your company must align with the future of the world: embrace innovation

world innovation

The complexity of humankind is what makes us move forward and differentiate ourselves from any other species of the world. For us, human beings, survival is not enough to keep going and stay alive, unlike the other species; we rather feel the need to be better than our ancestors were. Our eagerness to constantly renew ourselves is innate in us. Creativity and innovation are in our DNA.

So, knowing the reasons behind our kind’s success and its lead on the world, we apply that exact same key ingredient for our company’s potion of success.

Vertical farming as a way of enriching our world

The start-up Plenty is a great example that shows the path we all should follow: caring for the world’s tomorrow and acting in that regard.

That’s why we decided to share this article on our LinkedIn account last Tuesday because this is a great example that corroborates the possibility of attaining the previously stated.

sustainable innovation

The vertical farming proposal brings plenty of benefits for both the companies involved in this field and the wellbeing of the entire world itself. Seeing Walmart investing and supporting this type of business scheme is certainly something to celebrate. This sets an example for many other players in the retail industry and not only.

For that, we will see noticeable improvements regarding the spatial distribution at any kind of store implementing this new concept (in relation to leaving more room for other similar innovations). Moreover, we expect an upgrade regarding sustainable production and eventually its perpetual promotion by industry giants who take corporate social responsibility a level over and above.

solve challenge
What is Our role in this?

At Kajola, our purpose is to provide something valuable to the world. We do this by helping those who are passionate about the food and beverage sector and providing them with the best solutions that will boost their impact in this field and allow them to make a difference by keeping them innovative. Being different keeps you ahead of the game.

Kajola, beyond business?

To sum up, the main goal of this article was to do justice to what Kajola really means, the poetry behind the letters. Kajola’s meaning in Nigerian is  Let’s make it together. Because we are here to make the difference, to enrich the hospitality and food & beverage sector, but most importantly, to make it together. That is why we are among the first to be proud of our counterparts’ achievements and share their successes with the world. It is all about our individual contribution to bettering the world measured through our collective blood, sweat and tears.

Innovation is the most difficult thing to achieve, nonetheless the only way of moving forward. Thus, if we all agree on it, let’s handle this challenge shoulder near shoulder. The future is in our hands, and learning with and from each other is easier than struggling alone.

Let’s make it together!


Kajola is dedicated to creating solutions for international hospitality and food start-ups. We’re devoted to making the hospitality and food scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for food lovers and experience seekers everywhere.

Let us make you world class

the purpose statement

Strong and thriving organisations: The power of a purpose statement

Strong and thriving organisations: The power of a purpose statement

purpose ideation processThe complexity of the human ideation process is rather challenging to transpose into words. However, delimitating patterns in our thinking, ordering our ideas and capturing them in phrases helps us find meaning and reasoning in our daily lives. Products of the human mind – business ideas, plans and strategies need careful precision and sculpting to become individual and functional entities.

purpose ideation process
Putting your business’s DNA on paper

Nowadays, any well-established brand has set and defined the following aspects:

  • Mission – what they do
  • Vision – what their direction is
  • Strategic goals and objectives – what they want to achieve in the short/long-term
  • Norms and values – what they stand for

But what about the ‘why’? What about a company’s reason for being, beyond what it does, makes or sells? It is certainly a vital piece in the identity puzzle of a brand. It is not only about justifying your value transparently in the eyes of the consumers. It is also about giving your employees and partners a reason to believe in your brand, make them want to contribute to the whole; a purpose.

So, what is a purpose statement?

Let’s define first the notion of purpose. The purpose ‘is a central, organising principle that guides employee actions at all levels of the company and provides an authentic foundation for strategy, culture, investment decisions, and societal impact’ (BCG, 2018). Implicitly, the purpose statement is an official declaration of the company’s fundamental reason for existence. Google’s ‘Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible’ would be an example. It is essential to notice that it highlights an everlasting social good, independent of profit and never wholly possible.


To say that companies have historically missed the ‘purpose’ aspect would be deceitful and illogical. The purpose is the naturally occurring intersection of the two fundamental questions: ‘who are we?’ and ‘what societal need do we meet?’. Now, the importance attributed and the extent of its enforcement make today’s purpose different from the purpose of the past. Moreover, the birth of this trend is also owed to a shift in stakeholders’ attitudes.

the purpose statement
stakeholders need purpose

Today’s stakeholders care. From customers to employees to suppliers, vendors and investors, the accent falls on the greater value: the commitment of your brand to ensure sustainable growth, fair returns and positively impact society.

Lately, we have witnessed a significant rise in people’s consumption consciousness and beyond-profit decision-making. Read here our last article! This has naturally strengthened the need for meaningful and inspiring market models: purpose-driven companies.

These are the companies that successfully embed the purpose element in both their internal and external climate. They create deeper connections with consumers, do more for the communities they work with, attract and retain talent.

Entrepreneurs, take notes!

If you’re setting up your brand, then do so authentically! Build the purpose of your company righteously from the beginning and learn to implement it across all levels of your business. As an entrepreneur, you obviously have to understand and believe in your brand, but the challenge lies in inspiring and making others believe in it as well. The purpose will form the underlying pillars of homogeneity and compactness of your organisation.

Nourish the power of a good purpose
  1. Tell your story. Make it sound.

Authenticity starts with quality storytelling. See Airbnb and their highly famous: ‘Belong anywhere’ purpose statement. It moved the brand away from the business of houses and rooms to the business of home and experiencing a place like a local. The company even launched a campaign using ‘Belong Anywhere’ to raise more than $1 million for refugees through USA for UNHCR.

  1. Act and stay accountable. 

Being an authentic, purpose-driven business starts with storytelling but overruns the words dimension. Take action, be responsible and communicate your steps honestly. This will effortlessly instil trust and loyalty in your customers. Max Burgers, a Swedish fast-food restaurant chain, launched in 2018 the world’s first climate-positive menu. The company took the initiative to tackle the climate crisis and reduce green gas emissions proving its commitment towards social responsibility and the courage to be original. This way, they earned an undeniable ‘trusted brand’ status.

  1. Touch.

Don’t forget that you need to impress humans ultimately. Leading with purpose means resonating with all stakeholders involved. Make your story touching, be relatable, listen and include.

  1. Once you plant it, let it grow!

All brands are born with a primary purpose. But nobody said that this ‘why’ is not subject to further evolvement and refinement. It is equally important to know that an authentic, deeply-rooted purpose is the result of a collective and inclusive process involving all stakeholders of your business. Activating and implanting true purpose in your company’s culture means taking your hands off. Once articulated, it must transcend the organisation, nurture bonds and a shared value system. From there, it will grow organically and reinforce your company’s DNA over all communication channels.

Our purpose at Kajola

Create solutions that have an impact.

We’re devoted to making the hospitality, food, and drinks scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for experience seekers everywhere. It all starts at our heart. We’re just people who are passionate about food, drink, and great guest experiences. Thus, we translated this passion in the form of ‘Kajola’: sharing our creativity and knowledge with the rest of the world. We made this our purpose.

Kajola is dedicated to creating solutions for international hospitality and food start-ups. We’re devoted to making the hospitality and food scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for food lovers and experience seekers everywhere.

Let us make you world class

climatarian protesting

Climatarians on the rise: conscious consumerism

Climatarians on the rise: conscious consumerism

You might have heard of vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, flexitarian…but climatarian? What does this novel term entail? Is it a way of eating? Is it related to environmental activism? Does it describe a new buying behaviour? Is it really novel?

The answer? It’s all of them and more.

Climatarians are here and they care. They care about how their present actions impact the future and they are willing to change, adapt and most importantly, advocate while doing it. 

However, it is not about a collective movement or pattern, but about the variety of small, individual details at a personal level that could make a difference. It is about one’s concern for tomorrow and drive to make today better. From eating habits to travelling preferences and resource management, it all comes down to generating the least environmental impact. Climatarianism builds the fundaments of a new embracing-all-manner social and economic behaviour.

A brief look at the roots 

The term ‘climatarian’ was first popularised through a publication from The New York Times in 2015. Its appearance was stirred by the emergence of a diet practice aimed at reducing the carbon footprint. One year later, the word became listed in the Cambridge Dictionary defined as ‘a person who chooses what to eat according to what is least harmful to the environment’. As society’s awareness of climate change has continued to grow, so the notion of ‘climatarian’ has begun to grasp new valences.

climatarian protesting
From thinking beyond your plate to thinking beyond your every step

Today’s climatarian still places importance on conscious eating in all its aspects: sourcing, logistics, packaging, seasonality, plant-based alternatives and waste. However, genuinely caring and trying to drive change implies more. Besides their food choice, today’s climatarians think about how many emissions are generated by the way they dress, move around or entertain themselves. Cloth recycling, train rides over flights, cycling over driving and sustainable home appliances are few of the infinite range of climatarian-friendly practices.

Lead others by inspiring them: how to become a climatarian

We’re going to say it again. The number of possible every-day actions with which we can fight climate change is infinite. Being a climatarian means more than an adjective. It translates into an honest commitment to protect yourself and the planet by starting with minor daily gestures.

Are you ready to make a change for yourself?

Here are some suggestions on how you could lower your footprint successfully (and your costs!).

  • Reuse. Recycle: assess critically your needs, lengthen goods’ life or find them new a purpose

Did you know that recycling 1 glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100-watt light bulb for 4 hours?

  • Practice sustainable mobility: choose the least polluting transport mode

Did you know that Amsterdam-Brussels by plane generates between 26 and 56 kg of CO2, while doing the same journey by train produces emissions of just 1.7 to 2 kg?

  • Eat wisely: select the most local, seasonal, least processed and least packaged products possible.

Did you know that local food has more nutrients? The time between harvest and your table is shorter, thus it is less likely that the nutrient value of the product decreases. Food imported from far-away states and countries is often older, has travelled and sits in distribution centres before it gets to your store.

  • Avoid use of plastic

Did you know that the equivalent of a truckload of plastic enters the oceans every minute?

  • Forget the price, check the label first: look for certification marks that guarantee low impact on the planet such as EU Ecolabel.

Did you know that as of September 2021, 2 057 licences have been awarded for 83 590 products (goods and services) in the EU market?

  • Make your home more sustainable: improve your energy and water use efficiency

Did you know that an incandescent lamp converts about 9-10 percent of the energy fed to it into light, whereas LEDs convert nearly 100 percent of the energy they consume as light? Wow. Your wallet definitely felt that.

sustainable packaging
sustainable transport
sustainable home
Living to make a difference

Let’s be frank. Reaching the status of a perfect climatarian is anything but easy. We live in a social and economic context that wants us to consume frenetically. We are used to squandering energy without asking ourselves where it comes from or the consequences wasting it. Nonetheless, we are becoming more aware, more educated and more action-driven. Being consistent with some of the above-mentioned suggestions on a daily basis already makes one part of the progress. So, let’s make it together.

Kajola is dedicated to creating solutions for international hospitality and food start-ups. We’re devoted to making the hospitality and food scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for food lovers and experience seekers everywhere.

Let us make you world class

co-founder UK

Co-founder search: projecting the role and casting the right partner

Co-founder search: projecting role and casting the right partner

co-founder UK
lone wolf or team player?

Initiating, building and managing a brand is just like producing a movie with one major difference. In the filmmaking process, you have more than one leading brain. The film producer handles the business side of the filmmaking process from coordination, budgeting, crew hiring to marketing. The film director oversees and operates the creative process of the movie meaning controlling the film’s artistic and dramatic aspects.

However, business founders often find themselves lone wolves in the process of sculpting and crafting their business idea. Writing the script, finding actors, leading them, stirring the creative direction, revising the progress, keeping everything together and moving is a permanent commitment. Thus, at some point, solo founders happen to realize that they can’t make or don’t want this to be an individual commitment anymore: they want a partner.

Co-founder compatibility can MAKE or BREAK a business.

Whether this takes place in the starting phase of your brand’s journey or further down the line, deciding to share ownership is a critical moment. Obvious or not, co-founder compatibility and characteristics can MAKE or BREAK a business. Finding ‘the one’ is nowhere easy, but it all comes down to asking the right questions.

abc of co-founder casting

Let’s start with the alphabet. There are three important questions you need to consider before arranging the actual casting.

A: Why do I need co-founder?

Well, it is most certain that you want to share the workload. But the ‘why’ here encompasses the exact reasons for which a partnership would be a solution. Here you outline the exact set of complementary skills you look for in a possible partner. Every co-founder should be indispensable, essentially compensating for abilities that the other lacks. These could be hard skills (technical abilities, analytics or marketing) or soft skills (leadership, tenacity or communication). This is the moment to sketch the competence profile of the desired co-founder.

B: Who do I want to be co-founding my business with?

This is not about hiring. You’re going to build and drive the whole thing together through blood, sweat and tears. Make sure you understand the impact of getting someone on-board to lead with you. It is vital that your visions align and that you have mutual value systems. Furthermore, true of commitment is another essential pillar for a collaboration. How many working hours are you dedicated to invest on a weekly basis? And what about the long-term time investment?

C: How am I going to find this co-founder?

Now that you’ve established the portrait, you can begin your quest. Scrutinize all your network, offline and offline/ personal and business.

  • Consider family and friends
  • Get the word out through your social media accounts
  • Widen your network via events, conferences and other business fairs

It’s all in the first-touchpoints.

Prepare thoroughly the first touch-points. With a bit of luck, a few interested parties will emerge for you to organize an informal kick-off meeting. Be clear, be open, be honest! In order to explore your compatibility and work synergy, work on a trial project together.

Provided the collaboration is successful, congratulations! You’ve found your co-founder.

Kajola is dedicated to creating solutions for international hospitality and food start-ups. We’re devoted to making the hospitality and food scenes richer, more diverse and more rewarding for food lovers and experience seekers everywhere.

Let us make you world class